Photo exhibition “Haus vom Guten Hirten—Then and Now”
The old vicarage of St. Mauritz then and now
In 1850, Father Bernard Aumüller was commissioned by the then Bishop Johann Georg Müller to enter into negotiations with the Congregation of the Sisters of “Our Lady of the Love of the Good Shepherd” and to found a “Correction House for Indecent Persons” in accordance with the foundation order of Miss Maria Anna Zumfelde.




This building in the immediate vicinity of the St. Mauritz rectory housed the first sisters of the convent. They moved into their new domicile on 26 September 1850. On the very first day they took the first girl into their care. After a few months, the sisters were already caring for ten girls.
Aerial view of the entire area (presumably around 1910 and today)
